Tormentor of Souls is one of the first Moroccan bands arousing a lot of controversy in the Metal surrounding and the good beyond. Born of a common envy of Wassim BERROUHOU (Guitars), Adil BOUKDAIR (Bass player) and Younes SAIDI (Lead Guitars) in the year 2000, these 3 founders give to the band the qualification of "Black Metal". They are fast joined by Amine AKRIFA (Drums) then by Mehdi (Vocalist). It is with these musicians that they begin to make them more at least "a cover band", in this period, we can, without making too much of a mistake, claiming that Tormentor of Souls had major influences on numerous major groups, such as Immortal, Satyricon, Burzum and Emperor, a short time later they recruit Younes (Keyboards), this last guides the band towards a symphonic style while proposing a melodic side (with some acoustics guitars). Tormentor of Souls is then of new ambitions and the acoustic material of the first demos replaced by a more dynamic and aggressive style. With this line up the band begins to have concerts with a Black Metal look very close to the bands influences dressing themselves in Black, leather and spikes! 2002 : Wassim discovers Youssef CHAKIRI (Vocalist) (who sets as Dani pseudo), it is an enormous surprise!!! Being the leader of the group, Wassim with the agreement of the other members makes the decision to thank Mehdi in the replacement by this young recruit, who becomes then the youngest member of the band, because he is only 16 years old! By means of the feminine, sweet and classic voice of Samira (Female Vocals) the last one grown again in list (Who is not a part of the band today) he has all the leisure to concentrate on his vocal performance. The totality of the group which expected a powerful voice discovered a dramatic voice on behalf of this talented young man. It not being absolutely planned, it is necessary to say that it is a happy coincidence! With the heart-rending voice characteristic of Dani nothing else was planned it was indeed all of what Tormentor of Souls was supposed to be, the band decides then to be known by the public; to begin, the band records some fragments, after the events which shook all the Moroccan Metal scene (although Tormentor of Souls is always a little held aside). Some months later the Keyboards player leaves the band for reasons mainly of musical order. 2003 : A whole series of problems arise which will urge the band to make a change of line up which will result in; Wassim, Adil and Dani who are going to stay in trio form for several months. 2004 : Apparently little satisfied by the result the hard core established by these 3 men is going to put itself in search of new musicians and after several hearings Zine Elaabidine GHAFIRI (Drums), this drummer who breaks the shed was at the beginning only a "session member" but the agreement being completed, he quickly becomes a permanent member. With the new member the band begins the good rehearsal to record a new demo (Angel Of Death) it is moreover about the first demo Zine Elaabidine (Drums) the return was made for tubs in Casablanca in July, 2004. 2005 : The band decides while the arrival of a second guitar player would be welcome and call Sif Eddine SABRA "Sif" (an old friend of the band) who is endowed with a remarkable charisma on stage and composition and also engage Abdou (Keyboards) who is replaced however quickly by Mouhcine ZOUHIR who assures his role of keyboard and became a permanent member. With this finally stable line up things are then going to begin to accelerate with the participation in the competition of "Boulevard des jeunes musiciens" in June, 2005 and it is from this moment the band is going to discover a second world and is going to get acquainted of a director to turn with him in summer, 2006 a film 100% Metal soberly named The Satanic Angels (indeed the manager been a part of actors of the film). This film which processes a true story quite holds the Moroccan public’s attention and urged bands of young people to dash into this music genre. Summer, 2005 : The band made a break, it is there that Wassim and Sif locks itself to take advantage of it and be able to dedicate itself completely to the composition of the first album, this last one means radical and a little bit surprising change of direction according to Dani on an interview. Eight months later after the shooting, and for "internal reasons to the band" Wassim, Adil and Zine Elaabidine leave the band, and it is further to in that Dani contents with taking care also of the bass. Zine Elaabidine quickly replaces itself by Abdellatif MOUSLIM (B.O.T.M) to dash directly into a new concert a DVD of which records. The course inspired a passage in the famous Moroccan emission "Générations / Ajial" in March 2007, the invitations in press conferences and interviews of part the world and local … Contrary to certain rumours, Tormentor of Souls is always alive and is now in full period the recording of its very first album entitled "An Elegy Of Thy Black Frozen Hell". November 2007 : Sif Leaved the band because of some personal reasons, we wish for him all succes in his life generaly. Becoming the most known band in Morocco, Tormentor of Souls gave on December 11th, 2007 an interview to the American TV Channel CNN in the International Movies Festival Film at Marrakesh, where the leader Dani spoke for a long time about T.O.S and about the Metal generally in Morocco.
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